The different phases of a cell-based assay development & screening project at CYTOO

Phase I: Cellular model development
- Step 1: screen and select the best micropatterning and culture conditions
- Optional: expression profiling of key genes of interest, functional marker labelling
Phase II: Assay development
II.a Assay exploration
- Step 2: Identify the read-outs with lowest CVs and
- Step 3: with the best assay windows (2 reference compounds). Evaluate Z’
II.b : Assay optimization
- Design custom micropatterns, re evaluate read outs and optimize Z’
II.c : Assay evaluation
- Step 4: Define hit selection strategy and screen 10 compounds
- Step 5: Determine IC50 dose response curves of positive hits
Phase III: Screening
- Step 6: transfer assay at customer’s site for screening
- Step 7: screen compounds at CYTOO
Should you wish to have your favorite cellular model or cell-based assay developed by CYTOO, see how we can work together or contact us.